Act of removing people from your life

Act of removing people from your life

Sometimes it’s really fine to be selfish and do things for yourself! Once you can do this your life is so much better.
I cut people from my life because I began to see how many people are friends when times are good, but I’m the type that would die for a friend if I had to, so I prefer not to sacrifice myself for selfish people any longer. ~ Mistah Haza
Sometimes in order to save the little love you have left for them, you must walk away. It doesn’t mean you don’t love them. You just respect yourself more. ~ Rachel Monge 
You know it’s time to do that when you see that person and you feel your chest tighten and you want to walk away as fast as you can. ~ Vickie Kashinsky 
Enough is enough. It’s ok to be all about your feelings because you’re worth it! ~ Susan Phatsadavong 
Please never make such a decision as this from a default position of anger or getting even. It should only be used in verifiable cases of severe abuse. ~ Carolyn Smith 
This is the hardest but the most rewarding thing someone can do. Negative people rob of us of our time and energy and make them our focus instead of the people who need and appreciate what we have to give. ~ Clare Waters 

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