Forgive them, even if they are not sorry

Forgive them, even if they are not sorry

Forgive is just that, it doesn’t mean it was okay, or that you’ve forgotten or they’re off the hook for it. It just means you’re not going to allow it to control you anymore. ~ Diana Serna 
You can forgive someone and not ever feel the need to spend your time with them again. That’s the consequence people have to deal with when they continually push you to your limits. ~ Tina Ootsukaeliza 
The only way to move on. I tried, was pushed away, but at least I did try moving on. Will pray for them. Sad they’re so miserable with themselves. ~ Patricia Trosper 
I have forgiven and I feel sorry for them because they are suffering in their own misery, but I have to walk away for my own good. ~ Nicki Pettifer 
Forgiving is hard. Forgetting even harder, but until you can forgive you won’t be able to move on. Send them prayers in the hope that they will one day realise the error of their ways and make positive change. You can’t do it for them or force them into anything they are not ready for. Live your own life fully and if that means distancing yourself then so be it. ~ Mary Brown 
It doesn’t mean you have to like them! You can forgive without even telling them! Release yourselves! Life is too short to hold onto all the pain that others caused in the past! Let it go and be free! ~ Dianne Wentzel 
We forgive and if they accept, then both of us grow. If however, they do not accept, then at least the forgiveness returns to you and you are set free – so we can do the same for them – ‘set them free’ and maybe one day they will remember – however, we can’t spend our lives ‘waiting’ for them to remember – the waiting would imprison us again. ‘Forgive and be free’. ~ Rosemary Meyer 

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