Never sacrifice your class to get even with someone

Never sacrifice your class to get even with someone

Don’t loose your self respect and integrity over a person who has none. Don’t take the class line so literally folks. ~ Toosday Patterson

You don’t have to be boastful or exaggerated just because you were in a high class. That mentality will leads you to a human discrimination. Stay humble and try to extend a little help for those people who’s trying to become a better person. In that case, you’re not only taking the high road, but you uplifting your spirit to our Mighty Creator as well. ~ Sherill Galang 

If someone hurts you or treats you badly, don’t drop to their level. Don’t lose your dignity because of someone who would probably love to see you lose it. They’re not worth it, and you’ll just feel worse in the long-run. ~ Libby Dee 

Never compare your success with others but you need to work on yourself towards your weakness & strengths.

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