Two kinds of Forgiveness


Some people I have forgiven and I allowed them back into my life only to allow the hurt over again and again, so I had to understand my worth and let them go. Some I have forgiven and we are close because they understood their WORTH, and learn to RESPECT mines. ~ Tasha Dewalt 

I won’t judge other people’s opinions but it is very necessary to forgive in order to move on. Maybe when you move on and don’t think of the other person anymore, you view that as not forgiving but if you are able to move on and not continue to let what happened with that person have an affect on your life, then you are forgiving them. Forgiving doesn’t mean that you accept what they did to you. If you do carry on bitterness because of something that happened and don’t forgive, then it’s like drinking poison expecting the other person to get sick or die. Bitterness only hurts you! ~ Karen McDade 

You forgive someone because you deserve to not harbour the resentment. It can eat you up. Personally I have forgiven and moved on and felt empowered. ~ Paula Neary 

Forgive is for YOU, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to trust that person again. Move on, and love them from afar, not because you’re right, but you want peace. ~ E Jem Stakenburg 


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