Are you blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction

Are you blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction

Blaming anyone doesn’t help you either way. You have a choice to change your life for better or worse.
The expiry date is when you realize how much influence your parents and the way they brought you up has had on your inner thoughts/voice and behavior then you can consciously do something about it and change. This can be at any age! ~ Sarah Harris 
You cant live your whole life blaming your parents. When your old enough and are financially independent then you can get help. That’s taking charge. Blame get you nowhere in the long run so it’s get help or change your perspective. I learned very young it’s no good bringing the past along with you, that being said it does crop up at odd times but you always have a choice. Let it consume you or learn from it and move on. ~ Mary Byrne
Our parents are our biggest teachers, but we all know right from wrong. It’s up to the individual to correct their flaws of learn’t behavior and change it so they don’t educate their children the same!
Most of us do our best as parents to steer our children in the right direction but there comes a time to hand over the mantle and allow our children to make their own choices and decisions but to still be available to give advice when needed. ~ Anna Harhen 

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