Believe! Good things will happen

Believe! Good things will happen

If you want a wound to be healed don’t keep touching it. You must stop touching your wound and stay away from the person who has broken you and your soul causing you all this suffering. Be strong , be patient, and seek recovery by your own. It’s your own life and your own way, not all the people you meet through your life are meant to stay, some are just passing you. Shouldn’t cling to anything in this life, nothing is everlasting. We are all passing, this life is just a part of your journey and all that you are passing through will give you the experience you need to complete your journey. Never get cling to things or a person. Let all play their roles and let go of them. Keep going and stop looking back waiting for them. They also went in their own way to continue their own journey. Let go, let go & let go. Keep going and learn to enjoy the company of yourself. ~ Noor Sein

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