Cutting people out of your life

Cutting people out of your life

When someone delights in your misery, it’s time to remove them from your life. 

Everything in moderation and with love and respect. This statement eludes to a disrespect happening. We don’t need that. We need people around us that lift us up. Sometimes we even need to eliminate a family member. ~ Keenan Sutley 

People have faults, we all do but there are people who are self serving and just want to rain on everyone’s parade. Life is too short to put up with negativity when you can be happy. I choose to be happy. There are billions of us to choose from and we are not all meant for each other. Nothing wrong with that. Let go of the wrong people so the right ones can enter. ~ Albert Renn 

It is positive, sometimes you can spend so much of your life on someone who is doing so much damage to you as a person that you loose yourself. It is better to remove those type of people for you to be a better you. Just like some food is very bad for you, some people are just as toxin to have around. ~ Lisa Grammer 

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