Don’t worry about who doesn’t like you

Don't worry about who doesn't like you

The people who don’t like you, they have the problem, not you.

I don’t worry about people who do not like me, I’m more focus to be a better person. I want to live a healthy life. God will guide me everywhere. He will lead me to good people with a good heart. there will be a lot of people who will not like me along the way, but good thing is we can always have a choice to find good people. That I can be happy with. I done feel angry with people who do not like me, probably they have their own reason. Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter to me. My door is always open to people who like to come. I’m a God loving person. I don’t allow bitterness to live in my heart, life is too short. ~ Lolit Deato 

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