Forget the past that made you cry

Forget the past that made you cry

It is our past that has got us to where we are today, hurts and all, that is all part of life and makes us a stronger person.

Focus on the present, a gift from God. Learn from past mistakes & we improve daily. Forgive yourself & others & we experience peace & joy. Let go & let God!

Past is long but the hurt takes a long time to heal even when you hide it with a smile.

Our past & present both have good and bad memories, either way we learn the good & bad from it. Take the good with you & carry on in life. Leave behind the past but still take along the experience gained. 

There is no present without a past and there is no future that does not involve a present, but if you do not learn how to control the past it will destroy your present and your future. ~ Mary Pileggi 

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