Give people more chances than they deserve

Give people more chances than they deserve

Letting go is also essential for your week being and sometimes you have to let it go to get on with things only so much crap you can take before you say enough. ~ Storm Teddy 
It is unhealthy to continually overlook bad or toxic behavior for the sake of a relationship. Once you reach this place of seeing people for how they truly are, then you are free to move into a positive place away from the bondage of their negative hold. If you have never felt this, it can be hard to understand. ~ Gma Gpa 
I have given people more chances than they deserved only for the love of my family. Even though they have assume and lied to others about me thinking I wasn’t going to find out the fact that they lie to my face as well. It pisses me off at the moment but I believe in God and that what has kept me positive all the time. ~ Nidiia Moran 
Giving them too many chances for too many mistakes is patience, but remember when it’s repeatedly done it’s not a mistake it’s a choice. Walking away or let it go is the best favor you can do for yourself. ~ Kristine Steiner 


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