It’s not how big the house is

It's not how big the house is

A house is made of walls and beams. A home is made of love and dreams.

Having large, house, nice cars, money does not make you happy. I was married to a verbal abusive man for 12 years. I had two kids, he was from Africa and left like he never had kids. He was on cocaine and made my life hell. I raised two children alone, went from a 4 bedroom house to two bedroom apartment. Worked two jobs, but it has made me a better person. I am humble now and appreciate anything and everything. My children are doing very well in their lives. I thank God because it was a rough road. Today I have peace, love and happiness. Thank you lord! ~ Debra Franklin 

Money can build a house, but it takes love to make it a home.

If your walls are attached to your neighbor or not, or if you have a big yard, or pool, or how many awards or trophies line your shelves, but if you have love, joy, pictures of those you love on your walls, a family and animals, that is a happy home! ~ Megan Heddlesten

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