Learn to be alone & to like it

Learn to be alone & to like it

Sometimes, you need to be alone, not to be lonely, but to enjoy your free time being yourself. 

You should always love your own company because you are everything to yourself.

I love my own company, so empowering & you find the inner strength that you forgot you have. ~ Susan Kidd 

The healthiest relationship you can ever have is with yourself.

Some people are so afraid to be alone that they will put up with just about anything to avoid doing so, but until you are comfortable enough with just you alone, you will always be searching for something. ~ Krissy Herr 

Love my own company because I’m more gentle with myself than most people are. Love being able to act goofy when no one is watching. Love being able to just say, I’m me without anyone’s judgement but my own. ~ Lina Zacharopoulos 

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