Love is not about holding hands

Love is not about holding hands

The security that person brings to you is from the trust and love and loyalty of knowing they won’t let your hand go. When in reality some of them stopped holding your hand a long time ago or only wants to hold your hand when it suits them best. The worst part of it all, they let go when you were still holding on and now that you found out you’ve been holding onto thin air all this time makes it really hard to hold their hand again. That trust that took ten years to build up, is now gone within ten seconds. Love keeps you together, but fears and insecurities rip you two to pieces. ~ Brissa Fisher 
The best way to describe a good relationship is to understand that we say only words and those words from the one you love is not said to hurt you. IF THEY DO MEAN TO HURT YOU THEN THERE WASN’T A RELATIONSHIP TO BEGIN WITH. ~ Fran Fran 
Choose your words wisely, they cannot be taken back even after apologizing for anger.
True love is not all about being romantic & going to bed & making physical love to some one, it is also about waking up with that person & taking on the problems of the day together.

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