Never regret anything that has happened in your life

Never regret anything that has happened in your life

Living everyday as well as you can is another way of moving on. Feeling good makes your life feel good and when your life feels good your happy with a huge smile and when you smile the world stops and admires you. ~ Warren Bradbury 

Regardless of any hardships and I have had some that I do not care to speak about, it is best to try to wrap them up, deal with them or store them away. Whatever works for you and move on and be happy. Anything else is just an oozing sore. Just my opinion. I wish you the best in all things. We all have to live our own lives the best we can. ~ Sherrin Trombly 

You must put your mistakes behind you and move on it is the only cure for regret.

Time to leave it behind and move on to the positives in life. Thank God! He knows we mess up or at least I do. I’m not perfect nor do I want to be, it’s all about learning. ~ Michele Quinn 

I am “grateful” for all that has happened in my life, good or bad, it is all a gift. I am grateful for the opportunity to be reborn, move on with all the enthusiasm it has provided. The one constant in life is change, be grateful! ~ Ken Poulton 

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