Somebody who would do anything to keep you

Somebody who would do anything to keep you

It’s very precisely clear to you when someone would do anything to keep you. Their actions are louder than their words. It’s all in the way they back those words up and how they show you. It doesn’t mean they like spending money and buying you things, that’s one of the very most kind gestures of love. It’s all about how they spend their time with you, the little things they do for you, the times they show their feelings to you in vulnerable moments, when they let you know their secrets and tell you things they know they can trust you with. It’s when they are comfortable communicating with you and being completely open and honest with you, you know inside they’d do anything for you when they feel your pain and even though they can’t take that pain away, they let you know they can also feel it. It’s when everything you feel for that person is also mutual and they accept you for who you are. Love is a beautiful feeling of complete togetherness and nothing can take that away when it’s real, it’s between two people who truly want to be together no matter what and both partners would do anything to do so. You’ll know when you have true love, it comes around when you least expect and you can literally feel it inside of you. ~ Aaron Johnston 

You got to love yourself before real true love comes along. Part of true love is deep inside within yourself, when you meet that person you are ready to give all your love back to them. It’s quite amazing how it comes along, you just meet that special person without being aware of it beforehand. It develops quickly in my experience, you will know when it’s real. And when you find that special person, never let them go! It’s the most special experience you can ever participate in. You feel incredibly lucky and top of the world. You’re gratitude and love for that person flows without ever ending. Learn to love yourself and be happy alone, live your life and it will come your way when you least expect it. ~ Aaron Johnston 

There are people who just want you for their personal satisfaction but not serious to keep you in their lives. They are cowards afraid to take you seriously. ~ Carel Carpeso 

It doesn’t matter how you look, what your weight is or how much makeup you put on, The right guy will love you for what’s inside. 

The world is full of people seeking personal satisfaction without putting forth meaningful effort. Eventually, they become incapable of even doing so. So unless that is your thing too, you can never really emotionally invest in them. Seek the company instead of those who will climb mountains for you, and then make sure you are worthy of that climb. ~ Anne McDougle 

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