Someone will seriously make an effort to be part of your life

Someone will seriously make an effort to be part of your life

If they don’t, they will walk away with no reasons, no excuses.

No matter how much you want them in your life, if they don’t want the same, you need to give up. That’s the hard part! ~ Terry Catlin 

I was the only one making the effort to see them (kids). Got tired of chasing them down. One day I stopped and have not seen them for 2 years. Tells me what I knew all along. People will text, call and visit who they want to. I miss them but I’m much happier now that I’ve quit chasing people who don’t want to be chased. ~ Wanda Hall 

You cannot make someone to love you. All you can do is be someone to be loved and if they don’t appreciate your presence, make them appreciate your absence. ~ Donnabelle Bautista 

Friends can be weeded out by their chronic absence and endless excuses. Unless there’s food, a party or a gift involved and miraculously they come out of the woodwork. No thanks, there’s no value in that kind of friendship (certainly none worth investing) ~ Karen West 

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