The Fear of What other people think

I don’t worry about other peoples opinions any more. Too much pain and sadness in my life to care what others think. Just going to live life and be very grateful for all that we have now. As in the blink of an eye, it can all change. ~ Carol Obrien 

Too many people stress over other people’s opinions of them. Live life the way you want to as long as you aren’t hurting anyone then let people judge and gossip. They will regardless of what you do. ~ Carol Whitehead 

It doesn’t matter what people think of you, you don’t need validation from anyone, they don’t have a heaven or hell to put you in, stay true to who God created you to be, love who you are, because God loves us just as we are! ~ Valerie Johnson

People that have to talk bad about others have problems with themselves. Live life, be happy, hold your head up high, we only live life on earth once! ~ Rhonda Camacho 


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