The Heart that is meant to love you

The Heart that is meant to love you

This is Reality versus Illusion. There is no perfect feeling others (for that matter even you unless and until you become a monk) can give to you. Better accept reality than stay in the illusion that ‘that’ someone perfect exists in the world. ~ Gaurav Satle 

Time to stop trying to be something for someone else. God didn’t make me who I am to change. ~ Lori Wild 

If things which you see as flaws is seen as perfection by others, there will be any things which others see as flaws which you will call perfection. Thus the reality of a relationship is going to bite sometime or the other. It’s simply how much you can and want to cope with or adjust with others’ imperfection that defines the success of a bond. It’s very beautiful if relationships are healthy, if equally beautiful is you are single. Enjoy you singledom until then and be proud of if. ~ Gaurav Satle 

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