The one who is always hurting you

The one who is always hurting you

I wish it was easier to let go though, first you battle to let go of the person, then you battle to let go of the hurt and letting someone else in is so hard. I’m guessing this is sort of a sign though, that maybe it’s the right thing to do. ~ Claudia Davis 
Sometimes when you let go they figure out how to love you. Watch to see if they truly pursue you. That’s the one you want. A woman can’t change a man, but a man’s love can change him for her. ~ Ken Doucette 
Letting go is the bravest part I made in my life, then 8 years to be exact, I’m laughing at myself for being stupid for loving a wrong person who only hurt you for a long time. ~ Alfie Martin 
Time to stop the hurt especially when the other person knows he’s hurting you and doesn’t care.

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