The only way to get better

The only way to get better

Loving people have a tremendous effect on you. Sometimes we have difficulty seeing the good things about ourselves when we are healing, but the people that really love us will never struggle to see those things. ~ Brigitte Nicole

When you surround yourself with people of a different mindset, good or bad, you will eventually have deposits in your soul from that and it will change how you think and then eventually your thoughts will turn into actions. ~ Barbara Bacic 

Surrounding yourself with people who are uplifting can help you to recognize the things that you can’t see in yourself. The best starting point however would be the word of God. He designed us and his Word (His instruction manual ) has every answer necessary to help us. He knows us better than we know ourselves. So surrounding yourself with people of either positive or negative mindset will eventually rub off on the people they are around on a regular basis. ~ Barbara Bacic 

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