The people who belong in your life will come

The people who belong in your life will come

By chasing after someone you will become tired only. You won’t achieve anything. The chased one will feel good and one day you will loose interest, so try to become the chased one. ~ Farzana Afroz 
You also have the other side of the coin that says if you want something or someone, then try your best to get it. If the person says no, then you move on with your life. If the person says yes, then everything you went through will be worth it. ~ Grace Arruda 
I am the type of person that I do not care if that person does not like me,or not. It is their loss not mine. IF PEOPLE DO NOT SEE THE VALUE IN YOU, THEN IT’S THEIR PROBLEM, NOT YOURS! Someone else will. ~ Susan Panzarino 

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