When is your greatest test in life?

When is your greatest test in life?

Unfortunately there is only so much of your self that you can give or do for others, until you feel used & taken advantage of and wind up disheartened. ~ Teresa Aguilar 

When you are discouraged, that is a good time to encourage someone else. It helps both of you.

Some might find it uplifting to be able to help someone else, when they are unable to change their own circumstances. Not to give up on life entirely, may be their salvation. The people that know best about pain are those that suffer. ~ Fran Gallegos 

Going through your own storm sometimes opens your eyes and heart to others even more as you can relate better to what might be going on in their life. It has made me more understanding and compassionate. ~ Carol King 

One learns through life that giving such blessings, while one themselves is suffering must not be too frequent, as others receiving them will come to find them as common and expected this, thus depreciating the value that the receiver has in this selfless, good act. This inevitably leads to some feelings of disparity and disrespect. If people were more appreciative, expressive of gratitude, and reciprocal (even in small ways) all the time, it wouldn’t be a problem. ~ Jared Dellinger 

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