When we are living to please others

I have tried to live according to what everyone else wanted me to be or do. Now I finally started to live for myself and life is finally starting to get 100% better. Don’t let any one dictate your life. You are your own boss! ~ Trish Schwisow 

Some stress and anxiety is caused by a highly stressful western lifestyle, too fast paced, working hours too long, need to keep children happy in a short period of time as work takes up much of your time! It’s a just too much for many people. The triggers in the brain can sometimes lead people into depression a ‘real’ illness much overlooked by people of have never suffered it! ~ Linda Iball 

You need to be happy with yourself and surround your self with the right type of people. Be you! If people don’t accept who you are there not worth being part of your life. ~ Patricia  Kaplan 

Some people are just born that way. Some people have anxiety, and depression, for no reason other than they just do. It can be genetic, and it can be the cause of absolutely no one. Just a chemical imbalance. ~ Rebecca Ford 


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