When you less care about what people think of you?

When you less care about what people think of you?

Usually takes until the age of 30. You spend most of your 20’s trying to impress the people around you; but the time you hit 30 you are kind of like, ” I’m just going to be happy.” ~ Jen Cleveland 

Nobody could satisfy people so let’s focus on our life.

Enjoyment of life is what you think of yourself, so you have to love yourself for who and what you are no matter what. We all have our faults. Love yourself & your life. Have faith!

We should never think that we are getting old once you go through the old age people always think that there life is over so we should always think positive that we are as young as before and we could do what ever comes our way with all the strength which we have with in us which we used to do at the younger age. Why should we think that what others think of us we should be brave enough to under go any sequences what ever comes our way and we should live this to the god he knows what is good and what is bad. We should always feel that the older we get people always should enjoy life when their entire responsibilities is over with a retired life i must say to every body that they all should lead a very happy family life here after. Let us pray to the Almighty to give us strength to lead a much better life a head of us. ~ Anitha Nair 

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